Til hovedinnhold


  • Course length: Stipendiatlinje
  • Start-up date: 18.08.2024
  • Price: Contact the school
  • Foundation:
    The Christian folk high schools are built on Christian values. They are owned by, or associated with, Christian organizations or denominations. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Location: Drammen
  • Study tour: Hollywood, India, Strand Leirsted

Vi leter etter deg som er initiativrik og miljøskapende. Vil du være med på å utvikle Danvik til en enda bedre folkehøgskole?

Å være stipendiat betyr at du har gått på folkehøgskole tidligere og nå ønsker å ta et andreår hvor du får undervisning i et linjefag parallelt med egen «stippeundervisning» og «stippeoppgaver». De praktiske oppgavene kan være aktiviteter, arrangement og oppgaver som gir et godt miljø blant elevene.
Målet er at du utover i skoleåret vokser med oppgavene. I løpet av våren vil du få prøve deg på å ta ansvar for å lede valgfagtimer, workshoptimer og andre typer samlinger med faglig veiledning og støtte. I tillegg vil vi at du deltar aktivt i vårt PR og markedsføringsarbeid.

Dette får du:


Danvik Folkehøgskole is an excellent example of how the Nordic folkehøgskole tradition helps young people get ready for the future.

In addition to promoting important life skills and Christian values, our Norwegian boarding school has built a solid reputation by giving students a foot inside the door of an increasingly competitive media industry.

The education at Danvik is divided between programme subjects, common subjects, elective subjects, workshops and practice.
Students will spend roughly half the year producing bigger projects like short movies, shows and documentaries for TV and radio, video games, plays, anthologies or photo exhibitions, all depending on which of the seven programmes they have chosen.

In the common subjects, they will encounter interdisciplinary themes like media ethics, history and advertising. As a bonus, students get the chance to learn from the best in the business on trips to Hollywood, Paris and Berlin. We also cooperate with a school in India.

Courses at the school

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