Turn your ideas into finished games!
Make games in many different genres, both alone and in groups!
We use methods from the industry, adapt the level of ambition, work efficiently and ensure that as many of the games we work on as possible are finished.
We tailor challenges and levels to different games!
There is a difference between what is a good challenge in a platform game and in a driving game.
Therefore, we adapt the challenges to the various genres through level design, content and learning curve.
We visualize living worlds and figures!
Whether we work with 3D-models, sprites and pixel art or create images in the player's head through a well-written text, the goal is almost always the same - appealing and exciting characters in worlds the player can't get enough of!
You convey gripping stories!
The narratives we create within the game gives it meaning, whether it is the history that sets the stage for everything that will happen, or the stories the player themself create through their actions.
Create an engaging gaming experience!
Gameplay is king, and good gameplay puts the player at the center.
We spend a lot of time testing the games we make - adapting the controls and giving the player just the right amount of freedom.
Understand the technology behind the games!
You gain experience with game engines, scripting and other technical solutions that are necessary to complete computer games.
We also use board games as a tool to understand how resources are handled in games in general.
Class trips to NGA and Konsoll.