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Solidarity North-South

  • Sund folkehøgskole – Inderøy
  • Telephone: (+47) 74 12 49 00
  • E-mail: info@sundfhs.no
  • Course length: All year
  • Start-up date: 23.08.2025
  • Course teaching amount: 15 hours/week
  • Price: from 144 500,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
  • Location: Inderøy, litt nord for Trondheim
  • Study tour for the course: Guatemala i 6 uker
  • Study tour for the school: Nydelig fjelltur med hele skolen, avslutningstur til fiskeværet Sør-Gjæslingan

6 uker på studiereise

Vi reiser på studietur i 6 uker for å gå i dybden og undersøke hvordan ting henger sammen.

Du får se med egne øyne hvordan fordeling av ressurser, sosial ulikhet, kampen for urfolks rettigheter og internasjonal solidaritet påvirker vanlige menneskers hverdag.

Poenget er å oppleve og lære om kultur og folk. Du kommer tett innpå mennesker, deltar i deres dagligliv og kjenner utfordringene de står overfor på kroppen. På den måten får du venner, og ekte solidaritet oppstår.

Etter reisen bearbeider dere opplevelsene og formidler kunnskapen videre.

Sund folkehøgskole har arrangert studieturer til Guatemala i over 20 år. Vi kjenner landet svært godt, og har gode kontakter. Vi holder oss unna Guatemala City, og lar alltid hensyn til trygghet og sikkerhet veie tyngst. 

Sund folkehøgskole følger Utenriksdepartementes reiseråd. 

Les mer om linjen på vår hjemmeside.


Sund is comitted to international solidarity, environment and sustainable development and the value of art and culture. We aim for global understanding and international relationships.

We have a long history of international cooperation, especially with Latin- America, India and southern part of Africa. We have year long experience in welcoming international students at our school.

Sund is a non-formal learning institution, we are an independent and non-profit boarding school, beautifully located by the fjord with a total capacity of 112 full-time students. Students enrolled have a minimum age of 18 and an average of 20.

At our school you can develop your democratic culture competencies through personal, social and educational development, together with other students. 

We have ten different main courses:

  • Historical handicraft
  • Jazz
  • Art Photo Japan
  • Rainforest Amazon
  • Solidarity Latin-America
  • Street food
  • International politics Nepal
  • Early music (baroque and early classics
  • Degrowth
  • Cultural producer

A variety of courses and a diversity of students.

In addition to the main courses, we have common classes, elective classes and social activities for all students. Two times a year we go on trips together in the beautiful nature, mountain and fjords in the local area.

For more information see our website or contact us: info@sundfhs.no

Courses at the school

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