Fellesturer i Norge
I tillegg til studieturene på linjene, reiser alle elevene på Sund på minst to fellesturer hvert år. Den første turen er en fjelltur der vi overnatter to netter i hytter og telt i fjellheimen. Vi går en tur, og blir kjent med hverandre både på turen over fjellet og ikke minst i samværet på hytta og i gapahukene rundt hytta.
Den andre store fellesturen er mot slutten av skoleåret. Da reiser vi til Sør-Gjæslingan. Det er et fredet fiskevær på Namdals-kysten, og det ligger en time med hurtigbåt fra Namsos. Her fisker vi, lager mat sammen, bor i rorbuer, har leirbål og koser oss i de lyse vårnettene i Trøndelag.
Nydelig fjelltur med hele skolen
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 3 dager
Meals included per day: 4
During the first weeks, everyone in the school goes on a get-to-know-you trip. The purpose is simple, as you understand, we will try to get to know each other a little better, both students and staff. It is often better to do this away from school, while creating experiences together.
We drive a short hour from the school by bus, and arrive at a cabin where there is room for many, but not all. Those who want to build gap huts and live outside the cabin, you can also live in a tent. We go on a mountain trip, we cook together, we sing, compete, enjoy ourselves and just - we get to know each other.
It's simply a great start to the school year.
avslutningstur til fiskeværet Sør-Gjæslingan
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 4 dager
Meals included per day: 4
For many years Sund folkehøgskole has had a joint final trip to the beautiful coast in Trøndelag. Everyone at the school leaves towards the end of the school year. We spend the night together, live in rorbues, fish, cook on a fire and find tricks in the bright Trønder nets. We simply enjoy the surroundings and each other. A very nice end to the year, for both pupils and staff.
It is difficult to describe how beautiful the Trøndelag coast really is. You simply have to come along and see for yourself.