MIX active
- Stavern folkehøyskole – Stavern
- Telephone: 33 15 68 00
- E-mail: post@stavernfhs.no
- Course length: Halvår — vår
- Start-up date: 07.01.2026
- Price: from 93 750,-
- Location: Stavern
- Study tour: Sør-Afrika
The program for those who want to EXPERIENCE a lot of different things. We guarantee a lot of sense of achievement, no performance anxiety, and strong camaraderie, through varied activities and trips.
This program is for those who want a lot of activity and new challenges in a good and safe community. Throughout the semester, you will get to try various water sports, sports activities, and forms of training. Trips and shared experiences contribute to strong and lasting friendships, which is one of the reasons we will be traveling to various natural environments - but mostly to the beautiful coastal nature we have in Stavern.
We want to give you a year that takes you a big step forward; in terms of experiences, personal development, and relationships. You will experience the joy of challenging yourself, strengthening your physical and mental health, and developing your teamwork skills and relational competence. Several of the activities will provide you with valuable certificates. We aim to inspire lifelong joy of movement, give you nature experiences, and contribute to friends for life.
The list of experiences is long, and here are some:
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 14 dager
Meals included per day: 3
Sør-Afrika byr på MYE aktivitet, spennende kulturmøter og en mulighet til å gjøre noe for andre. Vi samarbeider med organisasjonen SCORE, og våre elever vil jobbe som frivillige hjelpetrenere og lede aktiviteter for barn og unge i Franschhoek Valley og Mbekweni.
Studieturen vil også by på safari, fjellklatring, rappellering, paragliding, strikkhopp, juving, surfing og terrengsykling. Og kanskje kan det friste med et fallskjermhopp over Cape Town? Linjene Blålys, GOLF, MIX aktiv, Tennis & Racketsport og TURN drar sammen på denne turen og vi vil ha høyt fokus på fellesskap, faglig utbytte og kulturforståelse. Her blir det trening og undervisning i fantastiske omgivelser.
Vår målsetting er at studieturen din skal være en tur fylt med faglig relevant læring, nye perspektiv på liv og samfunn, spennende opplevelser og bidra til å bygge det gode klassemiljøet.
Studieturene i regi av Stavern folkehøyskole er unike og forskjellige fra hverandre, og ikke minst forskjellig fra det du kan oppleve som turist. På våre turer får du mer for pengene; du vil oppleve mer, lære mer, forstå mer og utfordres mer. Studieturene våre er med på å forandre liv – gjennom å få være med på å støtte livsforandrende prosjekter i landene vi besøker. Det er ikke for ingenting at slagordet vårt er DRØMME – LEVE – FORANDRE.
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 5 dager
The whole school goes on a week-long trip to Hemsedal. This is the week both for you who like speed and alpine, you who like high mountain hikes, or you who want to laze in front of the fireplace with a hot chocolate. We hold courses in most disciplines and if you want it to go extra fast, it is possible to ride a snowmobile on a trail.
Furthermore, we will eat lots of good food, have great evening gatherings and a lot of entertainment. This trip is one of the highlights of the year for many!
For those who want to ski / snowboard, lift passes and equipment rental will cost extra (approximate price for this is from NOK 300,- to 1400,- for three days)
Here you can strengthen your interests, learn something new, become more confident in who you are and what you want in life.
Through courses of high professional quality, a large and varied menu of electives as well as a very good school environment, we give you the folk high school year you dream of.
The school has a versatile school facility in pleasant surroundings near the sea. Teaching rooms, workshops and special rooms are also at your disposal outside of teaching hours. Large gymnasium, football and beach volleyball court, theater stage/black box, rehearsal room and studio. All this is surrounded by a large outdoor area with park facilities.
In the evenings you can partake in games, sports and several other activities.
Start a brand new journey at Stavern folk high school!