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RAW - Sport and Excitement

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Fancy a year filled with good experiences? Combine outdoor life with sports and excitement! The best combination for an active day, with new veins and experiences for life!

You will experience:


Test your own limits and experience excitement:

Local tours in Stord and summit tours in Western Norway

Morocco - Taghazout

Mandatory: Nei

Price: 12 000

Meals included per day: 2

We travel to the wonderful surf spot Taghazout in Morocco. Exercise, surfing, sandboarding, camel riding, yoga, quad biking and sightseeing! A week filled with lots of exercise, excitement, good and healthy food, and a completely different culture!

Voss ekstremsport

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Rafting, fallskjerm og klatrepark. Me reiser til Voss og får ein spennande opplevelse på hausten! Me gyv laus på elva, det er mogeleg å hoppa i fallskjerm ut av eit fly, og klatrar i tretoppane.

Mountains above fjords

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Stord, Bømlo, Dronningstien, Kvinnheradsalpane. Together we will plan longer and shorter excursions to well-known, spectacular destinations, or more unknown but equally wonderful destinations you have not heard of.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Via Ferrata / Ravine. Before the autumn holidays, we take a trip into the Åkrafjorden. Here, as a student, you can choose between the fierce Via Ferrata Church Wall, or the slightly gentler alternative route. If climbing is not your thing, there are opportunities for canyoning or hiking.

Våre turar er unike opplevingar som ofte er vanskeleg å gjennomføra på eigahand, som fjordcruise med veteranskip i nydelege Hardangerfjorden. Du vil reisa på ulike turar nært og fjernt. Nokre turar er knytt opp til dei enkelte linjene, medan andre er felles for skulen.

Veteranship MS Sunnhordland - West Coast tour

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

The school year gets off to a flying start with the whole school travelling on a veteran ship, the MS Sunnhordland, into the beautiful Hardangerfjord and around the archipelago of Sunnhordland. Me experience many great stops and enjoy beautiful scenery and unique straits onboard a historic ship!

Winter adventure

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

When winter comes, we travel to Hovden for days of skiing and alpine skiing. You can enjoy cross-country skiing in flat terrain, slalom, tobogganing, summit tours, steep hills or very steep hills. Something for all levels!

Learn about Norway, and study Norwegian at Stord Folkehøgskule.

Stord Folkehøgskule is a free-spirited folk high school. Here you can enjoy urban life in Stord, the city in the middle of nature, situated in the heart of the archipelago Sunnhordland, at the heart of the renowed Hardangerfjorden. The school has nine exciting and varied courses, including one course dedicated to learning the language and culture. We also have many fun and interesting electives, newly renovated buildings and a highly motivated staff ready to receive you. We have room for more than 100 students and we have students from all of Norway and around the world.

Read more about our Norwegian Fjords, Foods and Culture course here!

Why choose Stord?

  • Because you want friends for life, and experience a lot of new things in a good social community.
  • Follow your interests, teaming up with others with their interests.
  • Have fun electives to fill up the year with what you are curious about!
  • An active and urban center, with many exciting leisure activities at the same time as you get an incredibly short way to the fjord, the mountains, small islands, forests and fields with access to different kinds of equipment.
  • You will learn about how you make things happen in society, companies, festivals or events.

At Stord Folkehøgskule, we gather different people with different interests under one roof. Here you spend time with the students on the same course as you as well as many others from our other courses. Add exciting electives with everything from sports, creative subjects to climbing and escape room and you wil have a fantastic school year!

Stord Folkehøgskule believes in the best in people, our diversity and community strengthens us.

Courses at the school

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