Ready for wilderness adventures in Norway and the USA! Join us for a year at the Bow-, Hunting and Fishing School at Skogn Folk High School!
In Central Norway, mountains meet fjords, offering unique hunting and fishing opportunities. We top the year with an unforgettable study trip featuring deer hunting with a bow!
This program is for you if you want to:
- Earn your Hunter's Certification
- Get international bowhunter certification
- Master rifle/bow/shotgun shooting
- Learn to butcher, process, and cook game
Hunting and Trapping:
Buck hunting, roe deer with dogs, goose hunting, moose/deer hunting (quotas apply), bowhunting for deer, fox hunting, seal hunting, capercaillie hunting in Sweden, trap hunting.
Optional Hunts:
Pigeon, crow, grouse/capercaillie with pointing dogs, hare with dogs, lynx (quotas apply), or other hunts on request.
Freshwater, fjord, deep-sea, fly fishing. Options for crab/lobster, Greenland shark, net/longline fishing, surfcasting.
Practical rifle/shotgun, running moose/wild boar, reloading courses, trap/sporting/clay pigeon.
Outdoor Life:
Canoeing, kayaking, winter trips, solo trips, mushroom/berry foraging, bootcamp.
Prepare wild game meals and host a game feast.
Study Trip:
Bowhunting-focused trip to Minnesota, USA (or Finland/Spain).
Interviews with students
Helge Næstad
Stian Kalleberg