Skogn folkehøgskole
- Lysaker 15, Skogn
- Telephone: 74085720
- E-mail: kontor@skognfhs.no
- Number of students: 95
- Undervisningstimer pr. uke: 28
- Start-up date: 23.08.2025
- Location: Skogn, Levanger kommune
Our school is located by the Trondheimsfjord, 70 km north of Trondheim, Levanger is the nearest city. The airport Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes is only 40 minutes away. Recreational areas nearby: the fjord, idyllic lakes, forests and mountains. Nice area for bicycling.
Skolen og elevene:
Our capasity is currently 110 students, age 18-25.
A year in a Norwegian folkehøgskole provides an unique opportunity to live and work together with other young people, as well as learning subjects of special interest to you. There are no exams at Skogn folkehøgskole, we focus on practial, hands-on learning.
You can apply for major subjects whithin this themes: