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Backpacing/Extremsports (Spring)

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Your dream year with the best of both worlds! Travels full of adrenaline rushes and experiences with a group that wants to push themselves. Surf, ski, board, kite and more!

We combine travel and extreme sports such as skiing, boarding and surfing. A very active everyday life with lots of different action, and fellow students who are motivated for new experiences.


Extreme sports

You get to try several different extreme sports activities, which follow the seasons. Throughout the winter, we develop skills on snow. Surf is also a theme in spring.

You receive basic training in equipment, technique, and safety by the school's teachers, and hired professional instructors.

On the line, you get to challenge yourself based on your level in the different activities.




Backpacking med ski og brett i Europa

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Vi backpacker gjennom Europa og står på ski og brett i bortgjemte perler av skidestinasjoner. Vi planlegger tur både i fellesskap og i små grupper. Her diskuterer vi reiserute, overnatting og innhold på turene.

Backpacking og surf i Spania/Portugal

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

I overgangen april-mai reiser vi til Portugal på surfcamp. Vi backpacker gjennom Portugal på vei til surfecampen, og besøker Marokko på veien.

Camp Trysil

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Ski in og ski out i Norges største skianlegg, med tilgang på badestamp, idrettshall, biljard, squash og bordtennis. Vi bruker dagene på snøen med ski og brett, og besøker FlowRider for en innendørs surfeøkt.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

I februar reiser vi på kitecamp! Vi rigger opp kitene, øver kitekontroll og jobber oss videre til frikjøring og suser over den enorme snødekte flaten med fjell på alle kanter – en helt spesielt følelse. Etter lange dager på isen er det godt å komme inn i varme tømmerkoier med vedfyring.

At the folk high school, you can study almost anything – from arts to extreme sports, and everything in-between. The goal is what’s in Norwegian called "danning". A good translation might be "formation".

You will get the oportunity to develop, challenge yourself and your values, and form lasting relations. All without the pressure of grades or exams. 

Key terms for the school year are

  • Reflection
  • Equality
  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Democracy
  • Culture. 

We offer full-year courses, half-year course fall and half-year course spring, and our students average at the age of 19. The majority comes from Nor­way, but many others come from Europe and beyond.

Read more about the school at elverumfhs.no.

Courses at the school

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