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Here you can unfold yourself with theater and film, creative projects and nice people. You get to try things you haven't tried yet and get better at what you're already good at. Enjoy!

The actor line is gold for those who want to do both theater and film. Here you get:


What are we doing?

Stage: We choose scripts, develop characters, train acting technique and work with direction - everything that creates a good performance. You get close follow-up from skilled and committed teachers who encourage, inspire and share their knowledge with you.

Film: With the guidance of experienced directors, we explore film and film acting. Sometimes we are involved in the entire production, other times we are involved as actors.



This course is full of opportunities, and the class helps to choose. How about a course with Klaus Bergli, Norwegian champion in theater sports and the nicest guy in the world? Or a course with makeup artist Henrik Mortensen? If you want to learn more about lighting and stage production, directing, or writing scripts, you can. And if you want to be with another line for a few days, that can also be done.

We have many good contacts, especially with Nordland Teater. We visit the Winter Light Festival in February, and if possible we play one of our own productions there. We meet actors and directors who have good tips and advice, and can tell a lot about the industry.

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: ca 1 uke

Meals included per day: 3


London er en av verdens absolutt største metropoler innen musikk, teater, kunst og kultur. Byen byr på hundrevis av konserter, musikaler, utstillinger og teaterforestillinger hver eneste dag. Her kan man velge og vrake blant spektakulære musicaler, klassiske teaterstykker, stand up, performance og nyskapende scenekunst. Det du ikke finner i London, er ikke verdt å lete etter.

London er en ekte smeltedigel, hvor kulturer og mennesker møtes, derfor er London en by som bare må oppleves! Vi bor sentralt i byen, med kort avstand til det meste av opplevelser og fornøyelser. Vi sjekker ut byen, alt fra shopping, kjente severdigheter/turistmål til god og spennende mat på noen av Londons utallige restauranter. Bare det å sitte på en flere hundre år gammel pub og studere folkelivet er en opplevelse i seg selv.

Du har kanskje vært i London før?  Nå har du muligheten til å oppleve byen på nytt sammen med folk som vil mye av det samme som deg selv. Vi utnytter tida i storbyen godt, sove kan vi gjøre senere.

Før vi reiser til London er klassen involvert i turplanlegginga. Deres ønsker er viktige for oss, så her har dere reell innflytelse på hva dere vil oppleve og gjøre. Vi kommer til å se teater og musicaler som virkelig inspirerer, delta på relevante work-shops, spise karibisk mat så svetten spruter, shoppe på markeder der de har alt, og skape minner for livet.

(Med forbehold om endringer)

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 2-3 dager

Meals included per day: 4

Towards the end of the school year, we take you on an adventure trip to The coast of Helgeland, also called the world's most beautiful archipelago. You can't have been in Helgeland for so long without getting this! We aim for several attractions on the trip, hopefully to end up at Træna. Træna is an island municipality 33 nautical miles off the coast of Helgeland. There has been settlement here ever since the Stone Age, 9,000 years ago. This wonderful island municipality that is flourishing like never before. You may have heard of Trænafestivalen?

On 15.2 km² you will meet the people of the sea. They count 453 people, and have an entrepreneurial mentality that you have never seen. You will have the opportunity to have a milkshake at Aloha café, drink Helgeland's best cappuccino at Træna Kaffekollektiv and eat a delicious dinner at Havfolkets hus. You will have the opportunity to sing together in Kirkehelleren, walk up to the NATO station at Gompen or walk the love path around the mountains at Sanna. If you want to go fishing or sit in the sauna at the boathouse, this is also an option. Or perhaps you would like to visit the Petter Dass chapel, which was decorated by the artist Karl Erik Harr? It's just a lot to look forward to!

Vefsn Folkehøgskole TOPPEN is an active and creative school, placed on the top of a hill on the outskirts of Mosjøen in the middle of Norway. But still far enough up north that the northern lights dance across the sky regularly during the winther.

We want you to experience COURAGE, MASTERY and OPPORTUNITIES when you are a student with us. In a safe community and with many new experiences, you have good opportunities for personal growth and lifelong learning. For us, professional quality and well-being for everyone is important.

To make the most of the year, we think it's important that you have a vibrant and varied environment around you. Here you can find urban and great nature, safety and excitement, humor and seriousness, professional quality and well-being, combined with committed teachers. Security and challenges, good social environment and professional development are equally important.

The school is well equipped in all classes and there is wifi throughout the school. In addition, we have several common areas like a fitness room, rooms to socialize, student kitchen ... yes, all we need to do well. Our accommodation kitchen is one of the best, and we are spoiled by skilled chefs and good food all year round.

Another thing we emphasize is to have employees who are not only proficient in their subject but mean something more for the students. With us you will find people who have energy and humor, and teachers who want to bring out the best in you. Our students should feel included and appreciated, and we are all concerned that our students should feel at home and have a good time.

Toppen - EVERYTHING and a little more!

HOMEPAGE in English

Courses at the school

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