Til hovedinnhold

Veiledning og friluftsliv

  • Pasvik Folkehøgskole – Svanvik
  • Telephone: 78 96 41 00
  • E-mail: pasvik@ffk.no
  • Course length: All year
  • Course teaching amount: 15 hours/week
  • Price: from 95 000,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
  • Location: Pasvik
  • Study tour: Finnmarksløpet: Europe's longest dog-sled race, Autumn-trip, The Varanger Fjord, Nord-kalottur i mørketida

Dette linjetilbudet retter seg inn mot deg som ønsker å bli veileder i friluftsliv og som har gått et år på folkehøgskole. Du vil bli tilknyttet og utplassert på et skolens linjefag, men du vil også få mulighet til å praktisere på andre linjer i løpet av skoleåret. Her vil du lære mer om folkehøgskolens idegrunnlag og pedagogikk, samtidig som du også får både teoretisk og praktisk undervisning i det å lede andre mennesker på tur. 

Foreign students

Pasvik Folkehøgskole has a program for foreigners who want to explore life in Norway and learn Norwegian. You follow one of our main subjects and study Norwegian for 8 hours a week. We currently have students from the Netherlands, the U.S., Germany, the U.K. and Scandinavia.

The school

Our school has a climbing wall, a gym, a swimming pool, football fields, ski tracks and three saunas. We have a big dining hall, where students share their meals and a common area with a piano. We have several dorms, which have been renovated recently with single and double rooms. Outside the school there's plenty of opportunities for outdoor life, hunting and fishing. The school also has its own dog kennel with around 30 Alaskan huskies. In summer, we go canoeing and hiking, whereas in winter we go skiing, kiting, and ice fishing. One of the school's three saunas is located right next to the Pasvik river, so you get to watch the northern lights in winter during sauna and get to take ice baths.

Our values

We emphasize tolerance, human dignity and equality. We are concerned with respect for cultural backgrounds, different sexual orientations, identities, political views and views on life. We are proud that our students get involved in everything from the PRIDE parade to solidarity work. Our core values ​​are diversity, human development, community and joy of nature. With us, you get to be exactly who you are.

Courses at the school

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