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Is your dream mushing in the Arctic? To lead a team of dogs through the snow and wilderness?

Mushing and Outdoor Life are for those who dream of mastering a team of dogs. Our dogs are here only for the students, they should be trained and groomed every day and are always available. We have both Alaskan and Siberian husky. Pasvik is a dog sledding paradise with snow six months per year. You get to walk the dogs all year round and in March you get to experience Finnmarksløpet from the inside.

At Mushing and Outdoor Life you get really close to animals and nature. We travel on short and long trips in Pasvik, both hiking and of course sledding. No prior knowledge is required, as long as you like to be outside and really love dogs.

For more information in English visit our webpage!

Fjelluka – snørekjøring og vinterfriluftsliv

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Skolens hytte ligger i Ropelv. Dette er fjellterreng. Her boltrer vi oss på ski med hund i et unikt landskap, omgitt av hav på nesten alle kanter. Spektakulære solnedganger, hvite fjell og topptur til en av kommunens høyeste topper, Øretoppen. Det er og mulighet for røyefiske for de som ønsker å teste pilkestikka. Koselige kvelder på hytta med spill, prat og sauna, og selvfølgelig hunder i sofaen.

Sledeekspedisjon på Finnmarksvidda

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Sven Engholm er kongen av Finnmarksløpet. I tillegg til at han startet Finnmarksløpet i 1981, har han vunnet løpet hele 11 ganger. Fra midten av 80-tallet har han bygd opp Engholm Husky i Karasjok. I januar drar vi på tur til Sven for å kjøre slede på Finnmarksvidda. Dette er et helt annet terreng enn det vi har i Pasvik og det er fantastisk å ønske sola velkommen

tilbake oppå vidda. Her overnatter vi i hyttene som Sven har bygget og designet, deltar i stell i hundegården og spiser god tradisjonsmat i grillhytta, Bartaen.

Vårens vakreste eventyr på slede

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Ofte kalt vårens vakreste eventyr. Etter at Finnmarksløpet og Pasvik Trail er ferdig, bruker vi løypene for å komme oss ut i den vårlige Pasvikskogen. I april er dagene lange og temperaturen behagelig. Turen starter fra hundegården og går så langt som vær, føre og lys tillater. Der slår vi leir og setter opp telt og lavvo, fyrer stort bål og nyter at naturen våkner til liv. Fra leiren drar vi på ulike dagsturer, enten med slede eller på ski, og om man vil prøve fiskelykka er det gode muligheter for det også. På denne turen er det viktig med høy solfaktor og gode solbriller.

Mushing at Engholm Husky in Karasjok

Mandatory: Nei

Price: Included in course price

We have a good collaboration with Engholm Husky in Karasjok. Sven Engholm has won the Finnmarksløpet 11 times and has a lot of experience with both running and tourist driving. All students will go there in twos or threes and spend a week there before the whole dog mushing line goes there together during one of the last weeks before Christmas.

Finnmarksløpet: Europe's longest dog-sled race

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

As a student at Pasvik Folkehøgskole, you play a central role in Europe's longest and tougthest sled dog race, the Finnmarksløpet. The whole school participates in this event. We operate the checkpoints in Neiden and Øvre Pasvik, where the mushers come to rest with their dogs. You'll get to work with many of the world's best dog handlers and experience the endurance of the Alaskan huskies. You'll be responsible receiving and sending out the teams, having control of times in and out, and reporting all this to the organizers based in Alta.

Foreign students

Pasvik Folkehøgskole has a program for foreigners who want to explore life in Norway and learn Norwegian. You follow one of our main subjects and study Norwegian for 8 hours a week. We currently have students from the Netherlands, the U.S., Russia, the U.K. and Scandinavia.

The school

Our school has a climbing wall, a gym, a swimming pool, football fields, ski tracks and three saunas. We have a big dining hall, where students share their meals and a common area with a piano. We have several dorms, which have been renovated recently with single and double rooms. Outside the school there's plenty of opportunities for outdoor life, hunting and fishing. The school also has its own dog kennel with around 30 Alaskan huskies. In summer, we go canoeing and hiking, whereas in winter we go skiing, kiting, and ice fishing. One of the school's three saunas is located right next to the Pasvik river, so you get to watch the northern lights in winter during sauna and get to take ice baths.

Our values

We emphasize tolerance, human dignity and equality. We are concerned with respect for cultural backgrounds, different sexual orientations, identities, political views and views on life. We are proud that our students get involved in everything from the PRIDE parade to solidarity work. Our core values ​​are diversity, human development, community and joy of nature. With us, you get to be exactly who you are.

Courses at the school

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