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FriHAVsliv (Coastal Outdoorlife)

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FriHAVsliv is a programme for those who long for nature and sea. The school year at Øyrekka folkehøgskole will be active and engaging, you will really get to know yourself and the forces of nature.

Do you want to spend a major part of the year outdoors? Are you dreaming of freediving for scallops? Or maybe catch the biggest fish in the Norwegian sea? Then you have come to the right place!

Friluftsliv Hav offer some of the best options for maritime and coastal activities and outdoor life. You will have a year full of amazing and challenging activities and exiting nature experiences. There are many and varied options and opportunities, and the final programme will be agreed upon in collaboration between teacher and students. FriHAVsliv is guaranteed to give you a unique and unforgettable year!

Large portions of the year will take place at sea in the fresh air, often in a wetsuit. Its’ therefore important that you enjoy being active. Throughout the schoolyear we will engage in many activities, amongst others:

During the school year sea eagles will become a part of your everyday life, and when we are out on trips otters, seals and orcas can all become regular sights. We are planning to have frequent multiday trips, sleeping in everything from hammocks to glamping.

In addition to all this you will also have the option of acquiring different certificates, for example Boating licence, våttkort (Norwegian sea kayaking licence) and potentially a PADI scuba diving licence. This is optional courses and may cost a bit extra.

Statsraad Lehmkuhl - Shetland

Mandatory: Nei

Price: 9 000

Eventyrlysten?? Da kan du bli med på seillskutetokt over Nordsjøen i april!  Og dette er ikke hvilken som helst seilskute: Statsraad Lehmkuhl er Bergens stolthet, landets største seilskute og verdens største tremasta «bark» som ennå er i drift. Vi mønstrer på og av i Bergen og på turen over havet er det du som er mannskap. Du får oppleve at det er din egen innsats for fellesskapet driver skipet over havet. Du er med på brovakt og får også klatre og arbeide i riggen om du har lyst. Vi sover side om side i hengekøyer på tradisjonelt vis.
Etter et par dagers seilas, får du landlov på Vesterhavsøyene - Lerwick på Shetland. Her er nordmenn velkomne hos et folk som nok føler seg minst like norsk som skotsk.  Rester av det norske språket fins i de fleste stedsnavn og også i dialekten på Orknøyene og Shetland.

Les mer om tokt med Statsraaden her.

The school is a so-called liberal folk high school, which means we do not base our values on a particular faith or belief, but on equality and respect for the individual’s integrity. Until our brand new campus is built, we hire a huge houseboat / floating hotel as our base. The floating hotel will contain everything you need; classroom, cafeteria, kitchen, doubleroom (you share room with a roommate), office for the employees and living rooms.

Our courses from August 2023 are listed below:

  • Coastal outdoorlife (FriHAVsliv): Do you want to spend a major part of the year in a kayak? Are you dreaming of freediving for scallops? Or maybe catch the biggest fish in the Norwegian sea? Then you have come to the right place!

  • H2Ø - seascapes, crafting, island life (H2Ø - hav, håndverk og øyliv): Join in on a magical journey through the natural and cultural world of islands. With H2Ø you experience fantastic sea landscapes on foot or by sea kayak. 

  • Fisheries and Aquaculture (fiske og havbruk): Are you interested in boating, fishing and modern aquaculture? At Fiske & Havbruk you gain practical insights and experience today's coastal life in the middle of the Norwegian ocean!

  • Leadership development - for those of you who already took a year in a folk high school.

All teaching is in Norwegian. For those of you who do not speak english, we give you the opportunity to learn Norwegian throughout the year.

Courses at the school

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