Til hovedinnhold


  • Åsane folkehøgskole - Bergen – Hylkje, Bergen
  • Telephone: 55395190
  • E-mail: post@asanefolk.no
  • Course length: All year
  • Start-up date: 24.08.2025
  • Price: from 122 800,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
  • Location: BERGEN
  • Study tour for the course: Interrail Europa
  • Study tour for the school: Joint school trip to Voss , Elective course Nepal

I løpet av året får du innsikt i hva som skal til for å få et arrangement på plass. Du får være både bak kulissene, men også i en skapende prosess og kanskje er du også en deltaker i selve arrangementet. Gjennom høsten skal vi arrangere seminar og elevkveld for medelever og ansatte på skolen. Vi skal lage et arrangement for barn under Åsane sin Kulturfest. Frem mot jul skal vi jobbe frem en humorgalla som skal spilles på en scene i bydelen. 

Du lærer så lenge du arrangerer, og selv de beste og mest erfarne arrangørene gjør feil valg i ny og ne. Nettopp dette er noe av det mest spennende ved å være arrangør. Du kan alltid lære mer og utvikle deg som menneske og som arrangør! 

Prosjektutvikling, søknader og økonomi: 

Hva skal til for å skaffe penger til å kunne gjennomføre deres drømmeprosjekt? Økonomi og søknader høres kjedelig ut, men om du først lærer deg noen grep for å skrive gode søknader, kan drømmeprosjektet faktisk være innenfor rekkevidde. Hvem kan dere søke? Hvor mye koster det å lage et arrangement? 


handler om arbeidet med å sette sammen det perfekte programmet, hvordan dere får artistene til å stille og hvilke avtaler dere gjør. Hva koster egentlig alle tingene artistene ønsker i rideren? 

Teknikk og lokale:

Et hvert arrangement er avhengig av at lokalet og teknikken fungerer. Det er derfor veldig greit å vite litt om hvilke lokaler som passer for hva, og hva de ulike tekniske duppedittene faktisk er. 

Welcome to Bergen and welcome to Åsane folkehøgskole!

We are looking forward to embarking on a new school year and hope that you would like to join us and share new experiences with us. We are a playful and social bunch of staff who want to get you on a unique school year. Here lies the opportunity for personal and professional development, new good friendships, food experiences and lots of laughter and fun.

During the school year you will have the opportunity to get to know Bergen, the city's unique charm, architecture and history, the cultural offerings and the academic communities. You can get to Bergen in 25 minutes and here you can go to the cinema, to the ADO arena, go shopping or enjoy the atmosphere at one of the many cafés. 

On your course, you get to work on subjects and topics that you are interested in, and together with your classmates you get a great trip to a relevant and exciting destination. Maybe you also want to come with us to Nepal and be enthrilled by the culture, people and landscape there?

You live, sleep and eat at the folk high school. 

We believe that living with your fellow students, creates an outstanding learning environment. By sharing accommodations with people who are different from you, you learn to work together and handle problems.

School life is a mix of teaching, good meals, joint activities, leisure time and boarding school life. The great thing about folk high school life is that you always have access to your fellow students. A year at Åsane folk high school can be the best year of your life.

Åsane folkehøgskole does not have any courses especially for english speaking students. Still, english speaking students are welcome to apply, as long as they have a basic understanding of Norwegian language, and also are motivated to learn Norwegian by their own efforts during the school year.

Courses at the school

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