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Norwegian - Culture/Adventure (Spring)

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Learn the Norwegian language and experience the nature, culture and adventure of Norway´s famous sights. We travel to Lofoten, Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, Kristiansand, Stavanger and more.

(Clip from full year course)

Our goal is for you to be able to speak and understand basic Norwegian. You will learn about Norwegian culture, history, geography and society through exhibitions and by travelling and experiencing Norway first hand. This year will be an adventure.

Norwegian adventure

Norwegian culture

Norwegian history and society

Norwegian language

  • Oral language
  • Consert reading
  • Choir reading
  • Games
  • Practical tasks

Stu­dents in the Nor­we­gian course will have plenty of prac­tice when lear­ning the lan­guage, being sub­mer­ged in a «mini» Nor­we­gian society. They will inte­ract around the clock with other Nor­we­gian stu­dents. There are also many acti­vities wit­hin the school year plan­ned and held by the stu­dents.

This class is suitable for you who . want to learn Norwegian language (beginner) . want to learn more about Norwegian

Dette vil du lære

You will

  • learn to speak and understand basic Norwegiaan language
  • learn about many cities and places first hand by travelling in Norway
  • learn about Norways history and society today
  • explore and maybe strech your own limits
  • learn to interact with fellow students
  • experience a lot of adventures in Norways beautifull nature


Våre forventninger til deg

  • interest in learning a new language
  • participation in class program
  • contribution to positive energy

The Lofoten islands

Obligatorisk: Ja

Pris: Inkludert i linjepris

In Lofoten we will chase the northern lights and visit the polar light center where we learn about the aurora borealis. You will go on "Lofot-fiske" or a sea eagle safari. You will learn about the fishing industry and eat local delicacies. In the Viking museum at Borg you'll learn viking history and see authentic houses and artifacts. We will visit Henningsvær, Svolvær, Nusfjord, Ballstad the blacksmith in Sund and the glass artist in Vikten.

We will take Hurtigruten from Svolvær in Lofoten to Trondheim. This is a cruise along the northern Norwegian coastline.

Adventures and culture in Mid-Norway

Obligatorisk: Ja

Pris: Inkludert i linjepris

You will experience the copper mines in Røros. In Trondheim we see the Nidaros Dome, the Rockheim music hall of fame and Tyholttårnet. We continue to Molde, Ålesund, The aquarium "Altanterhavsparken", The Norwegian glacier museum in Lerdal, the Flåm railway to Vatnahalsen, and the viking village in Gudvangen. In Bergen you will see the famous fish market and "Bryggen", Håkonshall and Rosenkranz tower, Fløybanen and "Trollhaugen" – the composer Edvard Grieg's home.

Fra kr 72 100,-


  • Undervisning
  • Mat og rom på skolen (romtype: dobbeltrom)
  • Bad på gangen
  • Reiseforsikring (på skolens reiser
  • Norsk sangbok
  • Studietur: The Lofoten islands
    • Reiseforsikring
  • Studietur: Adventures and culture in Mid-Norway
    • Reiseforsikring
  • Internett
  • Vaskemaskin
Minimumspris for linja 72 100,-

Du kan legge til (Huk av og se hvordan det påvirker prisen)

Lån og stipend

Summen du må dekke selv 72 100,-
(14 420,- per måned)
Når du takker ja til skoleplassen må du betale et administrasjonsgebyr på rundt 2500 kroner. Resten av summen betaler du månedsvis gjennom skoleåret. Nærmere informasjon får du fra skolen.
At Elverum folkehøgskole everything is included in the price. You don't have to pay extra for class trips, meals when traveling with the class etc.

Dette utstyret får du låne av skolen

  • cross country skis, shoes and poles
  • out door sleeping mats
  • expedition tents etc

Dette utstyret må du stille med selv

  • sleepingbag down to -5  celsius
  • hiking gear, vind breaker jacket and -pants, rain clothes, wool sweater and -underwear
  • backpack (60 liters)
  • winter clothes, hat, gloves, scarf etc
  • alpine skis or snowboard and helmet (you can rent this, but not included in school fee)

Contact us if you have any special needs. Together we'll find out what we can offer you.

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