Til hovedinnhold

Dans Forstudium

  • Course length: All year
  • Start-up date: 24.08.2025
  • Price: from 134 000,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Location: Trondheim
  • Study tour: Studietur til Berlin

Vi legger vekt på danseglede, teknisk og kreativt utvikling i et miljø der vi jobber for å gjøre hverandre gode. Lærerne jobber med deg for at du skal nå dine mål.

De siste fem årene har rundt 100 dansere gått videre til høyere danseutdanning etter Trøndertun. 

Spesielt med Trøndertun er at et forstudium i dans møter folkehøgskolens pedagogikk der fokus ligger på det hele mennesket. Her vurderer vi ikke etter karakterer, men tar utgangspunkt i den enkelte elev ståsted.

Du lever i et energisk miljø med over 100 dansere og musikere fra hele landet. Vi lager samarbeidsprosjekter på tvers av linjene, og alle er del av en stor familie.

Dans på timeplanen hele uka:

Workshops/foredrag i sangteknikk, ernæring og anatomi.

Produksjon av små og store forestillinger

Vi drar jevnlig til Trondheim for å se forestillinger og er stadig involvert i kunstneriske arrangement i byen. 

Skoler som holder audition på Trøndertun: LIPA, Bårdar, NSCD, Høyskolen for Dansekunst

Faste gjestepedagoger/koreografer:

Kristine Berget, Eirik Dreyer Sellevoll, Siv Stormo-Gaustad, Camilla Spidsøe Cohen.

Our teachers and staff are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They take their arts serious and are there to help you find yourself and your own voice as well as making your skills better.

Trøndertun was one of the first schools to include in rhytmic music into their program in Scandinavia. We are very proud our  heritage.

We are the only folkhighschool who have a dancestudy that is aknowleded as a "prestudy" to higher education in dance.

We have some of the finest facilities for dance and music in Norway. We employ the leading and best musicians, dancers for clinics and lectures. We produce many concerts and performances throughout the year Programs in Rock, Jazz, Guitar, Vocal, Sound Engineering and Dance. Our Instructors are both performing professionals and highly educated in their fields.

The school is only 20 minutes away from Trondheim, Norway´s 3rd largest city, and the countrys leading student city.

The school takes a yearly trip to a cultural metropol to experience the citys vibrating music and dance scene. It is a mix of workshops, tours and pure social fun.

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