Andreårselev - STIPP
- Trøndertun folkehøgskole – Melhus
- Telephone: 72 85 39 50
- E-mail:
- Course length: All year
- Start-up date: 24.08.2025
- Price: from 134 000,-
- Location: Trondheim
- Study tour: Studietur til Berlin
Som stipendiat vil du gjennom praksis, veiledning og samarbeid med lærere få ledertrening og verdifull erfaring i miljøskapende arbeid med og for unge.
Neste skoleår går turen til Berlin. Oppholdet inneholder guidende turer i kulturbyen med lokale musikere, konserter, workshops studio sessions i legendariske Hansa Studios, danseforestillinger og danseklasser.
Turen er obligatorisk fra skoleåret 25/26. De som ikke vil delta får velferdspermisjon.
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 8 dager
Hvert år reiser hele skolen sammen på skoletur. De siste årene har turen gått til Berlin, en metropol med et meget rikt og sammensatt kulturliv. Oppholdet inneholder konserter, workshoper, studio sessions, skolebesøk, danseforestillinger og danseklasser. Skoleturen i 2025 går til Berlin. Vi gleder oss til å gå i fortsporene til alle de legendene som har Berlin som "hjemby" og å dykke ned i dagens myldrende og utrolig brede kulturscene.
Musikkavdelingen leier legendariske Hansa Studios der Bowie, U2, Simple Minds og en hel haug andre har laget legendariske skiver. Vi spiller inn vår egen musikk i dette fantastiske studioet.
Our teachers and staff are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They take their arts serious and are there to help you find yourself and your own voice as well as making your skills better.
Trøndertun was one of the first schools to include in rhytmic music into their program in Scandinavia. We are very proud our heritage.
We are the only folkhighschool who have a dancestudy that is aknowleded as a "prestudy" to higher education in dance.
We have some of the finest facilities for dance and music in Norway. We employ the leading and best musicians, dancers for clinics and lectures. We produce many concerts and performances throughout the year Programs in Rock, Jazz, Guitar, Vocal, Sound Engineering and Dance. Our Instructors are both performing professionals and highly educated in their fields.
The school is only 20 minutes away from Trondheim, Norway´s 3rd largest city, and the countrys leading student city.
The school takes a yearly trip to a cultural metropol to experience the citys vibrating music and dance scene. It is a mix of workshops, tours and pure social fun.
To pay the student fee upon accepting the study at our school international students must use the following information:
For bank transfers from abroad, you can use the following bank details:
Account: 4230 08 10033
IBAN- NO8842300810033
Melhus Sparebank
Postboks 40
7221 Melhus
Account owner and recipient is Trøndertun Folkehøgskole