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Skuespill halvår, vår 2025

  • Course length: Halvår — høst
  • Start-up date: 06.01.2025
  • Course teaching amount: 36 hours/week
  • Price: from 57 500,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Location: Skarnes

Solbakken er en liten skole som gir deg tett oppfølging. På Skuespillerlinjen får du prøve deg på ulike teknikker

Vi har blant annet følgende prosjekter

En vanlig skoledag er delt i to:


Grunnleggende trening innen ulike disipliner gjør deg til en helhetlig skuespiller. Du lærer å beherske kroppen, lærer å bruke stemmen som et instrument og grunnleggende skuespillermetoder. 

Fag som:


Prosjektarbeid som produksjonsarbeid, scenearbeid, filmskuespill, musikkteateroppsetning, auditiontrening, masterclass i sang, monologarbeid.

På lørdager har vi blant annet seminarer med våre egne lærere eller med gjestelærere. Noen er faglig rettet, mens andre er av sosial art.  

Siden vi er en liten skole får du svært tett oppfølging av våre meget kvalifiserte lærere som brenner for å hjelpe deg i din utvikling.

Denne linjen finnes som både hel- og halvårskurs.

Solbakken folkehogskole is a small folk high school with room for approx. 60 students. It´s size gives us the opportunity to see each student, with close personal and stage-specific follow-up.

Solbakken Folk High School has three divisions: Acting, Musical, and Writing. All divisions are based on Solbakken´s more than 30 years of experience of teacing in the performing arts; acting technique, singing, dance, theater, musical theater, monologue / audition technique, vocal use, text writing, yoga, improvisation, film and directing.

You will get an overall insight into stage technical subjects, often in relation to production and projects. We stimulate local cultural work and are active participants in local community events.

Our main study trip goes to a theater capital in Europe. Apart from this, we make theater visits to Sweden, Oslo and Kongsvinger.

We have a 2nd year option, primarily those who have finished the first year at Solbakken, and who want further specialization in acting. Second Class students produces performances, have private lessons in singing and speaking, and are actors in a professional short film. The 2nd is a very intensive year, with long school days.

Courses at the school

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