Til hovedinnhold
Fully booked


  • Course length: Stipendiatlinje
  • Start-up date: 23.08.2025
  • Price: Contact the school
  • Foundation:
    The Christian folk high schools are built on Christian values. They are owned by, or associated with, Christian organizations or denominations. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Location: Telemark
  • Study tour: Fellesturer / Kambodsja / Island / London

Dette er for deg som søker som stipendiat til Sagavoll for skoleåret 2025/2026. Søknadsfrist 1.februar 2025.  

Sagavoll folkehøgskole has for many years had English-speaking students who have come to learn Norwegian and follow a main subject

Our main subjects are:

  • Outdoor life - Extreme
  • Safari
  • KRIK Multisport (CHRISC)
  • KRIK (CHRISC) - Volleyball og Flyt 
  • Backpacker South-America 
  • Backpackrail Asia 
  • STERK (training) 
  • Ceramics
  • Art 
  • Outfoor life 

Please include four prioritized wishes regarding main subject in your applicaton.

For more information in English, please send us an e-mail.

Send applicationAbout the schoolSchool web page