Til hovedinnhold

Teater, musikk og dans

  • Peder Morset folkehøgskole – Selbustrand
  • Telephone: 73 81 20 00
  • E-mail: pmf@pedermorset.no
  • Course length: All year
  • Course teaching amount: 15 hours/week
  • Price: from 138 000,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
  • Location: Selbu
  • Study tour for the course: Teater, musikk og dans
  • Study tour for the school: Skoletur

Vi har et samarbeid med Sjiraffen kultur- og kompetansesenter i Trondheim. Sammen med instruktører herfra vil vi legge til rette for at du får prøvd deg som utøver på flere områder innen teater, musikk og dans.

Vi skaper egne forestillinger gjennom skoleåret som vi fremfører for andre. Linja utgjør et eget kor hvor vi synger både sammen og solo for hverandre.

Vi benytter oss av kulturlivet i regionen, går på konserter og forestillinger. Nærheten til Trondheim gjør det naturlig å oppsøke f. eks. Trøndelag Teater, Rosendal Teater, Olavshallen, DansiT, og linja for dans og drama ved Cissi Klein videregående skole.

Vi vektlegger samspill, lek, entusiasme og improvisasjon.

All students are regarded as equal. They live, work, study together, and grow as human beings in a way that is possible few other places in the world. All have the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities, and are faced with challenges at their own level, regardless of who they are. Most students are over 18 years old. Learning programs and social interaction will give you skills, knowledge and experiences that will change your view of yourself and others for life. Memorable experiences, happy memories and genuine friendships are waiting, if you have an open mind, and the courage to accept our challenge. We offer every student personal councelling weekly. Norwegian classes for foreigners 100-120 hours a year.

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