Idrett halvår vår
- Nordvestlandet folkehøgskole – Torvikbukt
- Telephone: 71293850
- E-mail: kontor@nordvestlandet.no
- Course length: Halvår — vår
- Start-up date: 07.01.2026
- Course teaching amount: 15 hours/week
- Price: from 59 500,-
- Location: Torvikbukt
Denne linja er for deg som vil holde på med allsidig idrett. Vi vil prøve mange forskjellige idrettsaktiviteter, både inne og ute. Du kan gjerne være nybegynner i alt. Ferdigheter og fysisk form utvikles etterhvert. Noen ganger blir det slit og svette, andre ganger leik og spill.
Sjekk ut alle våre alternativer for Halvårskurs her!
Vi drar også av og til på tur og koser oss ute i den fantastiske naturen som er rundt oss her. Lærerne har stor kompetanse innen idrett og kanskje de beste fasilitetene for idrett og friluftsliv i Norge. Vi kan tilby 11er-bane naturgress, 5er-bane kunstgress/ballbinge, håndballhall, egen gymsal, eget treningsstudio, 3 beachvolleybaner, klatrevegg, buldrerom, turstier, naust med kajakkker og seglebrett, m.m.
I februar drar vi sammen med resten av skolen til Oppdal Skisenter hvor vi står på ski/brett i 5 dager. Mellom turene får du ta del i det varme og inkluderende fellesskapet på internatet på skolen. Her finner du velsmakende mat, mye aktivitet på kveldstid, koselig skolekafé, tilgang på fasiliteter hvor du kan utvikle gamle eller nye hobbyer.
I november er det studieturperiode på Nordvestlandet folkehøgskole. Da kan du velge blant fem fantastiske turer etter dine egne interesser. Alle elevene på skolen velger en av disse studieturene helt uavhengig av hvilken linje man går på. Det gir deg sjansen til å bli bedre kjent med elever fra andre klasser og gir alle større valgfrihet. Finn turen som er perfekt for deg!
Price: 29 000
In the autumn we travel to Bali and Lombok. This is one of the many highlights of the year! There we will, among other things, experience the jungle, volcano hiking, rafting and surfing. The majors Multisport Adventure and Outdoor Explore travel on this trip together. We will get to know Indonesian culture, have a lot of fellowship and visit humanitarian work on Lombok. On this trip, you will get to experience a lot and at the same time get to better know yourself and the world we live in.
Price: 29 000
In November we travel to Kenya. Here we will see fantastic nature, learn to weave baskets, visit many important places and learn a lot about ourselves!
Before we travel, we work on north/south issues.
Price: 17 000
In November we travel to Gran Canaria for a week to get good outdoor training conditions and facilities for many sports. During this week, you will play padel tennis, beach volleyball, tennis, frisbee ultimate, morning jogging and do surfing, cycling and swimming. Every evening we have an evening gathering with a bit of socializing and fun. We are together a lot as a class during the trip! We also travel with another class at school who live in the same place and are with us at the evening gatherings, but have their own teaching schedule for a good part of the time.
Price: Included in course price
You will learn how to plan and carry out a multi-day mountain hike and during the trip you will learn more about maps, compasses, orientation and safety in the mountains. We also learn on such a trip a lot about how to work together as a group, and you get to know the other students on the trip well.
The trip lasts seven or eight days and starts at Todalssetra in Aure municipality. From there, we'll visit DNT's cabins Sollia, Storlisetra, Grytbakksetra, Hardbakkhytta, Tverrlia and Jutulbu, before finally ending up at Halsa ferry quay.
Overall, the trip along the Fjord Route combines both physical activity and a chance to appreciate Norway's natural landscapes, making it a memorable part of any trip plan.
Price: 3 000
Welcome to the study tour "Norway - a round trip"! On this journey, we will explore some of the most significant historical sites in Norway and gain a deeper insight into both Norwegian culture and nature.
We start our journey with a visit to Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, one of Norway's most impressive cathedrals, which has great significance both religiously and culturally. Here we will have the opportunity to learn about the church's role in Norwegian history, as well as its architectural uniqueness.
After Trondheim, we head for Stiklestad National Cultural Center. This place is central to the understanding of Viking and medieval culture, and we get a comprehensive insight into Norway's history through exciting exhibitions and activities. Here we will learn more about the local traditions and important historical events that have shaped Norway.
Continue south to Ålesund, known for its beautiful Art Nouveau style and stunning seaside location. During our stay in Ålesund, we'll explore the town's history and enjoy the scenic surroundings.
At Nordvestlandet Folk High School you can choose a study trip! In November, the entire school has a travel period where you choose the program you find most interesting. This is a unique opportunity to get to know more of the students at the school and learn more about yourself and the world we live in.
Read more about our study trip concept here.
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 3 dager
Vi reiser til frænabu leirsted hvor vi har flere teambuildingaktiviteter. Vi er på tur i tre dager og målet med turen er at du skal få muligheten til å bli kjent med så mange som mulig av dine medelever så fort som mulig. I tillegg til teambuilding har vi noen valgfrie aktiviteter som kan være ballsport, fjelltur, kanotur eller bølgesurfing om forholdene ligger til rette for det. Dette blir stas.
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 5 dager
Meals included per day: 4
In february, we go to Oppdal for a week in Winter Wonderland. The whole school go together, and you get to learn how to ski. You will get instruction at your level, in alpine skiing, the unique Norwegian telemark technique, snowboarding or cross country skiing - your choice. We visit Oppdal Skiing Resort, and you will get lift tickets for 5 days. This is an unique opportunity to improve your skiing technique - or learn something totally new!
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Duration: 3 dager
Vi reiser til vakre Vistdalen og leirstedet Vistdalsheimen. Her er vi i tre dager i natursjønne omgivelser og bruker mye tid på å være sammen, spiser god mat og har aktiviteter. Det vil også bli en utflukt til Eikesdalen hvor Eikesdalsvatnet ligger omkranset av høye fjelltopper. Året går mot slutten og det er anledning til å skrive en hilsen i hverandres minnebøker.
International student at Nordvestlandet folkehøgskole!
As an international student at Nordvestlandet folkehøgskole you will attend to the "International course". Here you will learn the Norwegian language.
You will combine this with one of our nine "major subjects" whithin sports, outdoor life and arts. This way you will experience one year at a traditional Norwegian folk high school while learning the Norwegian language at the same time. The school has 100 students and about 10 of these are foreign students with no knowledge of the Norwegian language. These students constitute the international course.
We have much experience in hosting internationals, and strive to give you the best information in how to apply and to get here.
Nordvestlandet folkehøgskole is located in the county Møre og Romsdal which is famous for its beautiful nature and many fjords. Among them the Geiranger fjord which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
For more information, check out our web page.