Til hovedinnhold

Filmproduksjon - Halvårskurs Vår

  • Course length: Halvår — vår
  • Start-up date: 06.01.2025
  • Course teaching amount: 12 hours/week
  • Price: from 84 500,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
    FairtradeGrønt flagg
  • Location: Surnadal

Denne linja passer for deg som er lidenskapelig opptatt av filmskaping. I tillegg til å lage fiksjonsfilmer, musikkvideoer m.m, får vi også flere oppdrag fra eksterne arbeidsgivere hvert år. Du må derfor være villig til å ofre nattesøvnen for å rekke deadline.

I løpet av skoleåret vil vi berøre de fleste aspektene innen kreativ filmproduksjon. Et typisk prosjekt inneholder konseptutvikling & design, research, karakterutvikling, manus, storyboards, lyssetting og filming på settet.

Etterarbeidet blir gjort i industristandard programvare som b.l.a. Davinci Resolve, After Effects, Premiere Pro mm. Du får også teste livestream.

Du trenger ingen forkunnskaper innen filmproduksjon, men du må være interessert i intenst arbeid, å ha det gøy, teamwork, og å lære mer om film.

Semesterets naturlige høydepunkt er tur til filmindustriens Mekka, Hollywood selvsagt.

Mulige gjesteforelesere:

Nordmøre Folkehøgskule is situated in Surnadal about 2 hours by bus from Trondheim. The school is owned and operated by an independent foundation called Nordmøre Folkehøgskulelag.

Boarding School

Our 80 students come from all parts of Norway, from other Nordic countries, and from other parts of the world. About 5-10 students every year are foreign students. Since all students live on campus, they share most of their school time and leisure time together. The school´s facilities such as photolab, gym and craft workshops are open for unorganised activity after class hours. Most of the students are 17-22 years old, but there will also be a few older students.

We offer major subjects within these areas:

  • E-sports
  • Acting for film and TV
  • Filmproduction
  • Outdoor life
  • Animal care and backyard farming
  • Taekwon-Do
  • Explore Norway
  • Music

Courses at the school

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