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Høstkurs i utefilm Lofoten

  • Course length: Halvår — høst
  • Start-up date: 25.08.2025
  • Course teaching amount: 15 hours/week
  • Price: from 79 000,-
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Environmental certification:
  • Location: Lofoten

Vi gir deg uendelige muligheter og inspirasjon. Du blir god på filmproduksjon og god på friluftsliv. Vårt viktigste klasserom er ute- og vi lar oss inspirere av alt som skjer rundt oss. 

Utefilm gir deg rom og frihet til å lage filmene du drømmer om, enten det er turfilmer, ski/klatrefilmer, naturfilmer, dokumentar eller kunstfilmer. 

Lofoten, samfunnene og folkene gir deg et hav av muligheter, ikke minst alle de mange ulike aktivitetene og turene til de flotteste steden i Lofoten.

Our goal is plenty of fellowship, skills and traditional outdoor living, all through the dark winter days, and into the white nights. There will be challenges like biking, telemark skiing, peak hiking, climbing, hunting and fishing. You will be instructed in the making of necessary equipment, first aid, security, scouting, guiding and how nature and culture interwine.

We offer major subjects within these areas:
Outdoor life: * Mountaineering * Telemark/ Climbing * Lofoten
Photography: * Natur * Pro

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