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Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen

We are a liberal school that places great emphasis on creative subjects and social community.

With us, you get the peace you need to work creatively and the impulses you need to move forward.

Warm welcome to Bergen and Fana Folk High School!

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At the folk high school, you're allowed to be social and have fun together. Here, we have safe boundaries that allow you to be with friends and have fun.

Come along to Bergen

As a student at Fana Folk High School, you will become familiar with Bergen.

Bergen has a vibrant cultural scene. Throughout the year, we go to theater performances, exhibitions, and concerts.

The city also hosts a variety of festivals. During the school year, there are international film festivals, theater festivals, and music festivals in the city.

You also have time to explore the city on your own. Go to the cinema, stroll around and observe the city's life, go up to Fløyen or have a coffee at one of the cozy cafes.

Creative main subjects and many elective subjects

The school has many different main subjects. This creates a school environment with diversity and many different types of people.

You immerse yourself in the main subject with your class throughout the school year.

In addition, you choose from many exciting elective subjects. You choose elective subjects several times during the school year and can choose new subjects each time.

Safe and educational trips

We have a joint start-up trip at the beginning of the year. This is a cozy low-threshold trip that everyone participates in.

All the main subjects go on study trips. Some travel abroad and others stay in Norway. Our study trips combine academic content with social community on the trip.

Get to know Norwegian language and culture

During a year at a folk high school in Bergen, you will make Norwegian friends, learn some Norwegian, and get to know Norwegian culture and society.

Our language courses are suitable for beginners and students with som previous knowledge of Norwegian. After a year at Fana folk high school, you can expect to understand and speak Norwegian reasonably well.


Courses at Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen

Music - Band & Tour

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
All year13 t/ukeLiberal

Visual Arts

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
All year13 t/ukeLiberal

Game Design

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
All year13 t/ukeLiberal


Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
All year13 t/ukeLiberal

Norwegian Language and Culture

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
Fully booked
All year13 t/ukeLiberal

Sosialpsykologi og miljøpsykologi

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
Halvårskurs høst13 t/ukeLiberal

Høstkurs Billedkunst

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
Halvårskurs høst13 t/ukeLiberal

Japan, kulturpsykologi og positiv psykologi

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
Halvårskurs vår13 t/ukeLiberal

Vårkurs Billedkunst med kunstreise

Fana folkehøgskule - Bergen
Halvårskurs vår13 t/ukeLiberal
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