Til hovedinnhold

Agder Folkehøgskole

  • Number of students: 120
  • Undervisningstimer pr. uke: Fra 30 til 36
  • Start-up date: 24.08.2025
  • Foundation:
    The liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
  • Food: Vegetarian, vegan
    Most schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
  • Location: Søgne i Kristiansand

Agder Folkehøgskole is situated in Søgne, on the countryside of Kristiansand (16km from the city center) - the southern-most city in Norway. A folkhighschool year starts in late August and ends in the middle of May.

Learn Norwegian and study Norwegian at Agder Folkehøgskole!

The school is situated in Kristiansand, in beautiful surroundings 17 km west of the city center, the southern-most city in Norway.

Agder Folkehogskole offers a course in Norwegian language and culture for foreigners:

Introduction course in Norwegian language and culture. The course also contains subjects as Norwegian everyday life and manners, Norwegian culture and economic life. Learning takes place in a creative environment. Challenging excursions, electives and common activities. There is no tuition fee. The money you pay include lodging in double room, teaching material and study trips. 

Courses at Agder Folkehøgskole

Reiseliv og Utvikling

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Nature & Photography

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Art n’ Culture.

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Film- and videoproduction

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Checkpoint Charlie - en reise i europeisk historie

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Nature based tourism

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Biologi og Naturglede

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke

Norwegian Language and Culture

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
19 t/uke

Global Utvikling

Agder Folkehøgskole
All year
16 t/uke
Send application

Former students

Constance Lecornu, France

NLC was definitely the best year of my life. Why? Because we approached the purity of something beautiful.To be foreigners all together discovering a country and a culture is great. Very hard to leave, but memories and the experience are here forever

Constance Lecornu, France
Daria Sofia Taraldsrud Løkken

Å gå til Agder folkehøgskole var det beste valget i mitt liv! Jeg har lært så mye både i klasserommet og gjennom eventyrlige reiser og aktiviteter. Hvis du vil lære mens du skaper minner og vennskap som varer livet ut, så er Agder stedet for deg!

Daria Sofia Taraldsrud Løkken
Ananda Nilsen, Bali, Indonesia

A once in a life-time experience for sure! Agder Folkehøgskole is a safe place to grow, meet new people and be the best version of yourself. Both challenging and rewarding, a year rich in learning, emotions, fantastic trips, and the best teachers!

Ananda Nilsen, Bali, Indonesia
Lilith Movsisyan, Armenia

Studying, living, eating, traveling, playing and just relaxing with all the amazing people there who I am lucky to call my International and Norwegian families was one fantastic journey for the whole life. Can I repeat my Agder year over again?

Lilith Movsisyan, Armenia
Myles Hoefle

Med Agders varme og internasjonale studentmiljø lærte jeg mange flotte ting om meg selv og fikk venner som jeg fortsetter å snakke med og lære fra i dag. Agder er et utmerket miljø for å studere!

Myles Hoefle
Bohwa Choi, Korea

Do you want to make international friends and learn about Norway? Travels with northern lights, activities like snowball fight and Norwegian classes has given me the most beautiful memories of my life. NLC at Agder will give you more than you expect.

Bohwa Choi, Korea