Til hovedinnhold

A year at a folk high school

The class schedules may vary throughout the year, as well as during the week. You usually have classes in your major subjects, electives, and mandatory school-wide classes.

Sample schedule

Morning assembly

At morning assembly, the whole school gathers for a common start to the day. This meeting may include reflections on the day ahead, singing, practical information, news announcements, and contributions from the students.

Major subject

Your major is the subject you choose when you apply to a folk high school. The number of class hours in the major courses varies from school to school, and it also depends on whether you have one or two majors.

School-wide classes

These are scheduled classes that all the students at the school attend together. They run the gamut from literature to choir, dance, and physical activity, to social science, Saturday seminars and philosophy.

Saturday classes

In all folk high schools, mandatory classes are conducted on selected Saturdays. These classes usually last about four hours and can include anything from seminars to workshops and field trips.

Elective subjects

Electives allow you to enjoy and learn about other topics and fields than your major subject. It varies between the schools how many hours of electives you have a week, as  well as the number of electives from which you can choose.

After-school activities

Folk high schools offer social activities such as movie nights, sports, discussion groups, theatre, dance, tours and lectures. Some of the activities are arranged by the school, while others are based on the students taking the initiative.

Shared meals

There are typically four meals a day, and most are eaten together in the dining hall.

Student shows

Communal entertainment events held by and for the school’s students and staff.

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At at folk high school there are typically four meals a day, and most are eaten together in the dining hall.

Annual events

Field trips

Joint field trips for all students. They may include city tours, hikes, boat rides and ice-breaker trips.

Study trips

Some schools arrange joint study trips for all students. There are often separate study trips for each major subject as well.

Project weeks

Some schools participate in or arrange large projects in which all students participate.

Extended weekends

The school year includes several long weekends during which you have the opportunity to take a break from school.


Schools usually close for four holidays: the Autumn, Christmas, winter and Easter holidays.

Every folk high school hars joint field trips for all students. They may include city tours, hikes, boat rides and ice-breaker trips.